Mike's Journal....

Ramblings and ravings of a Scottish Student, currently living in Austria.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

At the river.....

...is the song I can't get out of my head at the moment. You know, that Groove Armada one. Which is good, as it's quite relaxing. Not normally my bag, but I'm enjoying it.

Anyway, apologies for that slightly random beginning. It's been an interesting week. One in which I've singularly failed in my aim to update this more often. I do genuinely plan to, as I can rant with the best of them, but stuff keeps getting in the way. I swear, once my fun life of adventure and travel kicks off again (....he exaggerates...) then I'll have some more stuff to post, I'd imagine. In particular, look out for some pretty pictures of Slovakia this weekend.

I've been thinking this week (largely to having read Ray Bradbury's "Fahrenheit 451" for one of the classes I'm teaching) about the wonder that is modern technology. As I sat reading that book, headphones in, on a plane last month - anybody who's read it will note the irony there - I noticed how dependant we've become on it. But no, this isn't one of those rants....no no no, this is altogether more positive. Maybe it's 'cause I'm a long way from home, and I use various means (read: my laptop) to keep in touch with *everybody* that I noticed it more this year. I'm by no means dependant on technology these days, and I could survive without most of it, it's just that it's damn useful!

Basically, the vision in that book of a future without books, without real relationships etc....doesn't seem quite so real to me. Some of his predictions are pretty close to the truth, which is remarkable for a book that was written 50 odd years ago, but it was a pretty negative description, on the whole. Now, I'm not one of those people who spends way too much time in front of a computer screen - I'd much prefer a pair of skates, stick and a puck to sitting inside :) - but I love the way how, right now, I'm typing this, while talking to somebody in China, one in Edinburgh and one in St.Andrews. I reckon we've struck a pretty good balance, personally :)

I'm really not sure where I'm going with this. The class I was discussing the book with are younger than me, and they're a pretty trendy bunch, but they loved it, particularly as being young kids, they love a bit of techy stuff.

(Okay, I saved this last night, as I was forcibly dragged downstairs to party, so couldn't finish it :))

Last night was fun - had a party downstairs for one of the girls birthdays, which was all fun and games. Thursday was chosen as nobody had classes on Friday morning....except me! As it turned out, I started work at 7:45 today, so couldn't stay up too late, dammit all.....but on an amusing note, when I went downstairs to have breakfast this morning, at least 5 people were there having not gone to bed yet. It was that kind of a party.

Anyway, I'm going to Bratislava tomorrow, so I should hopefully have some nice photos to post on Sunday. Just now, I'm off to say goodbye to some of the students here who are leaving, then, seeing as I always end entries like this, to get some food!

Later :P


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