Mike's Journal....

Ramblings and ravings of a Scottish Student, currently living in Austria.

Thursday, November 30, 2006


Is one word to describe the last month or so.

For starters, the great West Powburn internet reality experiment (i.e, my flatmates' worryingly effective mass-stalking of me),has come to an end, as it started to freak me out a bit much. People I've never met knowing my every move was a tad much...

What else? I've played a great deal of hockey, had something of a rediscovery of my form at the start of the season (with two goals, including the winner, in our win over Aberdeen on Sunday), I've been up to Aberdeen a couple of times to see the lovely Natalia, done a shedload of reading, made vague plans for New Year, been home for a weekend, celebrated numerous peoples' birthdays, bought a new hockey stick after using my old one to death, seen the fantastic new Bond film, drunk a large amount of tea, realised that people still read this despite me never updating it...okay, having typed that I realise that none of it's that exciting, but I'm a 4th year at Uni and I'm busy!

On that front, I've applied for teacher training next year, and have also had it suggested to me that I should apply for a PhD next year, an option that I'm also considering. Not sure which I'll go for, but I'm going to apply for both... :)

Not much else going on at the moment - two weeks of term left, one exam left (that counts for nothing, just like the one I had on Tuesday) then going home for a few weeks over Christmas. I've got a slightly concerning number of essays to hand on for January, so I'll probably be doing those for the forseeable future...


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