Mike's Journal....

Ramblings and ravings of a Scottish Student, currently living in Austria.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Ch-ch-ch-ch changin'....

The title refers to my living situation, which I'll explain in a moment. First, I'm going to mention how cold it's gotten, again! Today, it's not been above -9, and it was about -15 when I walked to work. Brr.

Anyway, my living situation, as suggested above, is changing! I currently live in a student-halls kind of place, which is cool. However, during the semester holidays (week after next) it's closed, and they're keeping the top floors, where the international students (including me) live, closed, as it costs them too much money. Or something like that. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I get my own flat! Myself and one of the other language assistants here, and perhaps another student, get a decent flat outside the Studentenheim, as of next Friday.

The wonder of indpendance again! I can make breakfast whenever the hell I feel like it, I don't have to go all the way downstairs to brew a cup of tea, I get a TV to watch Olympic hockey on, I get to cook....it's all cool :)

So, that's something to look forward to. Only thing I need to sort out is an internet connection. I'm not sure if this network (wireless, naturally :)) will stretch that far, so I might have to set up broadband, but that's no worries. I need it for A) Research for my essays, B) Useful lesson planning resources, and C) Keeping in touch with folk at home, so as long as I set one up it's all grand.

Also, I've got to comment a little bit on the bitchin' playlist I've just made in iTunes. A bit of everything, really, but it goes really well together. On the way to work, I had Sheryl Crowe, Catch 22, the Foo Fighters and Better than Ezra (from the soundtrack to Empire Records. Great film, by the way), and I felt it needed mentioned. So there.

Right, I'm off for a brew. Gotta have some comforts from home here, so Tetley it is.


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