Mike's Journal....

Ramblings and ravings of a Scottish Student, currently living in Austria.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Hell yeah...

It's the weekend!

I'm not really sure why that needed mentioning, but it felt appropriate. I've not got any particularly exciting plans, but what the hell.

Work's been fun this week - my classes all went pretty well, and I successfully educated one of them about KT Tunstall, after being asked about some popular music from Scotland. Idlewild's next on the list :) (I'd like to point out that this wasn't in a lesson. They just asked. I actually do proper work most of the time)

Anyway, some more of the Erasmus students from this fine building are going home at the weekend, which sucks, 'cause they're really cool. On the other hand though, I'm actually moving out next week, so it's not like I'm going to be staying here all on my lonesome. That, and it gives us another excuse for a party. Like we need one....

So aside from that, not a great deal happening at the moment! One week of work before the semester holiday, during which I A) move into my flat, and B) Go back to Britain for a few days. Still no plans for next week after that, but I quite fancy a small trip to somewhere, and therein lies my dilemma. I went to Bratislava last weekend, I promised Tasj I'd save Budapest 'till she was here (and I shall :))...maybe Graz? Such a hard life........ :)

Right, I'm off to get some food (again. I always seem to end posts like this), as I kindof forgot about lunch today. I was helping somebody move all their stuff accross town, and I did eat something earlier than that...but I could do with some dinner.

Oh, and I did get a start on that essay yesterday. Not much, but a start. Go me :)


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