Mike's Journal....

Ramblings and ravings of a Scottish Student, currently living in Austria.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


...for the first time in ages! It's a whole 4 degrees above freezing too, and it feels warm. My perceptions of hot and cold are skewed, I swear.

Anyway, I've just watched the mildly entertaining thumping the Rangers gave the Leafs last night - Jagr gets his 100th point of the year - which is a good way to start a day, really :)

So anyway, life's good at the moment. Went out to the pub in Vienna on Friday night, which was fun...and for the first time in a wee while I've actually got a Sunday with nothing to do. Well, I've got work to do, but it's going to be done in a fairly relaxed fashion - still, nothing else happens in this country on a Sunday, so I can take it easy and still be productive :)

Anyway, as was mentioned to me in the pub the other night, there's plans afoot to go to Italy for a few days in June before I fly home....so my schedule for next couple of months is looking rather nice! My birthday, then Budapest, then two weeks 'till the Easter holidays, then 5/6 weeks of work left, then Italy, then home! It's weird, time goes really quickly sometimes...

Speaking of home - I've also got something that needs done. I'm apparently aquiring my brother's car when I go back, as a replacement for Betty, and I'm trying to think of a name for her. Small, red Peugeot 106....feel free to make suggestions :)

Anyhow, I should probably go and try to do some work - I've not posted much on here in the last week or so, 'cause I've not really been up to much, but I shall attempt to do so more often. You might even get pretty pictures if you're lucky ;)


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