On a mission....
...to improve my German. That's what I've decided recently. I plan on continuing to post here, but it may be less regularly depeending on how things are going - to cut a long story short I've realised I have a fair whack of work I think I need to do for next year, and I've got myself a plan. Let's just leave it at that, I don't want to bore you :)
Anyhow, quick post just now - the whole country has gone crazy today. Today, Shrove Tuesday, is "Fasching", here. Largely unbeknownst to me before today, the entire place goes mental for this - fancy dress everywhere, teachers and pupils included, stalls in the town centre, parades everywhere (including TV), and a lot of doughnuts. Me? I'm making some pancakes, as I feel I've indulged in my share of Fasching insanity at school this morning :)
So yeah, not a great deal else to report - I had a *great* weekend in Vienna, and am back here in Krems enjoying the fact that it's decided not to stay relatively not-cold, and it's back well into the minus temperatures. Ach well, nice while it lasted... :)
Last thing - as it's pancake today, I warmly recommend bananas and icing sugar, as it's a combination which tastes rather lovely. I'm looking forward to it :)
Later :)
Anyhow, quick post just now - the whole country has gone crazy today. Today, Shrove Tuesday, is "Fasching", here. Largely unbeknownst to me before today, the entire place goes mental for this - fancy dress everywhere, teachers and pupils included, stalls in the town centre, parades everywhere (including TV), and a lot of doughnuts. Me? I'm making some pancakes, as I feel I've indulged in my share of Fasching insanity at school this morning :)
So yeah, not a great deal else to report - I had a *great* weekend in Vienna, and am back here in Krems enjoying the fact that it's decided not to stay relatively not-cold, and it's back well into the minus temperatures. Ach well, nice while it lasted... :)
Last thing - as it's pancake today, I warmly recommend bananas and icing sugar, as it's a combination which tastes rather lovely. I'm looking forward to it :)
Later :)